Database To Dashboard customizes business scorecards based on By Department Cost and Revenue Center comparing Scenarios Actual vs Forecast, vs Budget, vs Prior Year, vs Prior Forecast.
Our aim is to save companies time by instantaneously populating relevant company-wide reporting during crunch time, when decision-making is the goal, rather than having to assemble and validate data streams.
We work with business partners and stakeholders to deliver financial reporting support, building out monthly sales forecasts and providing a tool to track monthly business performance.
We create reporting solutions in the cloud, using
IBM Cognos Analytics, providing real-time information, based on your entire portal of data.
Company data is too often spread across multiple channels, sources or compartmental data silos.
Everything from production data, customer and service data, sales and marketing conversion rates, historical and actual, capital and long term financial data is often stored and output via various software and management sources.
Database To Dashboard is not so much a sales forecasting software as it is the management and consolidation of the entirety of your company’s data streams.
Based on the project requirements, Database To Dashboard has the capacity to maintain and control master data with no ongoing cost to companies.
The process of our work is in the implementation and build of your Database To Dashboard. Once the process is complete, there are no further ongoing costs for reporting or implementation.
In collaboration with business partners like yourself, we develop Revenue Reporting by Product, by Region, by Brand calculating KPI, empowering companies and users to slice and dice the wealth of information the company has, in multi-dimensional data structures and in memory analytics.
We create the ability to convert business logics into processes that support business growth, as well as the capacity to customize when needed.
We can design top down and bottoms up analysis solutions for problems relating to Data Dimensions, Cube Rules, Integrated Processes by providing a Single Source of Truth for all data channels, logical calculations, whilst maintaining paramount information security and simplicity of user interface.
Database To Dashboard has the capacity for automation of redundant processes to increase accuracy and efficiency. Our system will help you deep-dive into star-schemed structures to find variances and culprits easily.
We help organizations that are trying to manage using SQL joins or accounting platforms such as QuickBooks, but want to take their integrated reporting to the next level through visualized reporting. Or organizations that have database systems in place that are lacking the time needed to create effective, unified dashboard reporting.
We create Managed Scorecards that lead to a robust Dashboard that provides commentary on the performance of key indicators and tells the business story, at a glance.
Your focus is to tell your business story, staying on your plan of action, getting insight from useful reports, and making progress.
Ours is to provide the Dashboard for you to do just that.
of employees use Business Intelligence Software
of Organizational data is left un-analyzed
Overall sales operations performance
Costs savings once using Database To Dashboard
Do you have an accurate way to view capex and opex across your entire business?
Many of our clients tell us they don’t.
Do you need a singular place to view
capex and opex across timelines and multiple data sources?
Database To Dashboard customizes Business Scorecards based on By Department Cost and Revenue Center, comparing Actual vs Forecast, vs Budget, vs Prior Year, vs Prior Forecast.
Database To Dashboard can also create extensive data model solutions for user groups with appropriate data visibility across your platform of managers, so everyone can look at accurate information to make adjustments in their departments which align with the overall plan and strategies..
Most forecasting software isn’t built with your specific business structures in mind. Data inaccuracy, limited historical data, uncertainty and risk, seasonality, changes in consumer behavior and just good old-fashioned operational data issues can lead to over or under-estimating your fp&l and sales forecasts with cookie-cutter software.
Tracking down essential data from departments that are not the most proactive nor collaborative often requires a huge amount of effort and time.
Database To Dashboard is not a cookie-cutter platform that we need to mold around your business structure. Your Dashboard is built after pouring over your company-wide data streams and constructing the necessary pathways that your business needs to bring accuracy and customizability to one place where you can see a clear picture of your company’s overall performance and opportunities.
With in-memory analytics, all the data is stored within the main memory of the computing environment, securely across the IBM platform. Essentially, the data is held in the RAM of the system. Rather than accessing the data on a physical hard disk within your environment, data remains suspended in the ultra-fast access memory of a hyper-powerful set of servers managed by IBM Cloud, where security and reliability are absolutely ensured.
Let's dive into your company's data complexities and look at building a plan to funnel your company's data into a Database To Dashboard console that is built for your individual company needs.
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