Scorecard Reporting

Why is it important to monitor a KPI scorecard?

It’s important to be intentional with the key performance indictors (KPIs) you choose to use as a measure of success. Quality KPI metrics can help generate useful data that, once analyzed, can drive value and inform strategy for your business.

A well-structured KPI dashboard delivers a story about your business history so you can strategize where it’s going next.

Meaningful numbers give managers the information they need to spot trends and adapt to them.

Sales Performance Management

Remember, the K in KPI stands for key. The data analyzed with Database To Dashboard should be data that drives business conversations. Using KPI dashboards and predictive analytics can help your organization see the bigger picture and determine if changes need to be made in your data analytics strategy.

To help your organization target KPI metrics that drive the business forward, your data analytics needs to have high visibility and credibility.

High visibility allows everyone to see and analyze the data. Making your content credible requires a regular conversation with managers to talk about the data, what it means, and to identify the story it tells.

Corporate Performance Management Software

KPI dashboards should be able to tell the whole data story. When you put a piece of information on a KPI dashboard, it tends to raise questions. You want to anticipate as many of these questions as possible so you can get in front of any decision making.

When analyzing data with
Database To Dashboard, it can take several different data sources such as ERP & EPM systems to see what’s happening with a single KPI. If you study the numbers, there's a lot of information that's going to help you see the trend and identify what the data really means.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could pool KPI metrics and compare revenue, sales and efficiency across multiple data sources within the breadth of your company in moments, not weeks.

Database To Dashboard creates a managed balanced scorecard, built out from a robust database that provides commentary on the performance of key indicators and tells the business story.

Can you effectively monitor sales performance across multiple channels of sales teams?

Enterprise performance management (EPM) systems have become fixtures for monitoring and reporting on financial performance.

Alongside enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, EPM has served as chief financial officers’ (CFOs) gateway for financial planning and analysis and financial close management. But in a rapidly changing business environment, this dated view of EPM is a barrier to growth.

Traditional EPM technologies only provide a partial glimpse into an organization’s performance. 

EPM must be unbundled into two distinct constructs —
financial planning and analysis, and financial management and close. Both are important to an organization, but each has limits. Planning tends to be a point-in-time exercise occurring on a per-function basis, while financial close and consolidation is mechanical and statutory-mandated. To keep pace with the velocity of change in today’s market, leaders must intentionally evolve how they think about and approach planning to span across functions and entire businesses. 

This will be paramount to maintain an accurate read of an organization’s health and opportunities to transform. Leadership teams’ need for real-time decision making and accelerated operational change will necessitate a move from financial planning to more tightly
integrated enterprise wide business modeling.

Ready to talk to data

analysis experts about your company's data complexities?

Let's dive into your data and company structure and look at building a plan to funnel your multi-dimensional data into a Database To Dashboard console.

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